Lavanya G and Anuradha Sharma, On quasi-abelian codes over finite commutative chain rings and their dual codes, Journal of Algebra and its Applications, accepted for publication (2025).
Sandeep Sharma, Monika Yadav and Anuradha Sharma, On additive quasi-abelian codes over finite fields and their duality properties, Problems of Information Transmission 60, pp. 155–188 (2024).
Varsha Chauhan and Anuradha Sharma, Some new constructions of optimal and almost optimal locally repairable codes, Finite Fields and their Applications 101, Article no. 102518 (2025).
Leijo Jose and Anuradha Sharma, Enumeration formulae for self-orthogonal, self-dual and complementary-dual additive cyclic codes over finite commutative chain rings, Cryptography and Communications 16, pp. 1383–1416 (2024).
Monika Yadav and Anuradha Sharma, Some new classes of additive MDS and almost MDS codes over finite fields, Finite Fields and their Applications 95, Article no. 102394 (2024).
Sachin Pathak and Anuradha Sharma, On the hulls of cyclic codes of oddly even length over $\mathbb{Z}_{4}$, Discrete Mathematics 347 (3), Article no. 113796 (2024).
Sandeep Sharma and Anuradha Sharma, Multi-twisted additive self-orthogonal and ACD codes are asymptotically good, Finite Fields and their Applications 93, Article no. 102319 (2024).
Monika Yadav and Anuradha Sharma, Construction and enumeration of self-orthogonal and self-dual codes over Galois rings of even characteristic, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 92, 303–339 (2024).
Monika Yadav and Anuradha Sharma, A recursive method for the construction and enumeration of self-orthogonal and self-dual codes over the quasi-Galois ring $\mathbb{F}_{2^r}[u]/<u^e>$, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 91, 1973–2003 (2023).
Sandeep Sharma and Anuradha Sharma, Multi-twisted additive codes over finite fields are asymptotically good, Cryptography and Communications 15, pp. 17–33 (2023).
Monika Yadav and Anuradha Sharma, On the enumeration and classification of sigma-LCD codes over finite commutative chain rings, Discrete Mathematics 345 (8), pp. 1-25, Article no. 112915 (2022).
Sandeep Sharma and Anuradha Sharma, Multi-twisted additive codes over finite fields with complementary duals, Problems of Information Transmission 58, pp. 32-57 (2022).
Varsha Chauhan and Anuradha Sharma, Hamming weight enumerators of multi-twisted codes with at most two non-zero constituents, Finite Fields and their Applications 76, 101910, pp. 1-50 (2021).
Varsha Chauhan and Anuradha Sharma, A generalization of multi-twisted codes over finite fields, their Galois duals and Type II codes, Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computing, (2021).
Varsha Chauhan, Anuradha Sharma, Sandeep Sharma and Monika Yadav, Hamming weight distributions of multi-twisted codes over finite fields, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 89(8), pp. 1787-1837 (2021).
Sandeep Sharma and Anuradha Sharma, Multi-twisted additive codes over finite fields, Beiträge zur Algebra und Geometrie / Contributions to Algebra and Geometry,, 34 pages (2021).
Tania Sidana and Anuradha Sharma, Roulette games and depths of words over finite commutative rings, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 89, pp. 641–678 (2021).
Monika Yadav and Anuradha Sharma, Mass formulae for Euclidean self-orthogonal and self-dual codes over finite commutative chain rings, Discrete Mathematics 344 (1), 112152, pp. 1-24 (2021).
Tania Sidana and Anuradha Sharma, Repeated-root constacyclic codes over the chain ring GF(pm)[u]/ (u^3), IEEE Access 8, pp. 101320-101337 (2020).
Anuradha Sharma and Tania Sidana, On b-symbol distances of repeated-root constacyclic codes, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 65(12), pp. 7848-7867 (2019).
Anuradha Sharma and Varsha Chauhan, Skew multi-twisted codes over finite fields and their Galois duals, Finite Fields and their Applications 59, pp. 297-334 (2019).
Anuradha Sharma and Tania Sidana, On the structure and distances of repeated-root constacyclic codes of prime power lengths over finite commutative chain rings, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 65(2), pp. 1072-1084 (2019).
Anuradha Sharma and Tania Sidana, Repeated-root constacyclic codes of arbitrary lengths over the Galois ring GR(p^2,m), Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 10(3), pp. 1-22 (2018).
Anuradha Sharma, Varsha Chauhan and Harshdeep Singh, Multi-twisted codes over finite fields and their dual codes, Finite Fields and their Applications 51, pp. 270-297 (2018).
Anuradha Sharma & Taranjot Kaur, Enumeration formulae for self-dual, self-orthogonal and complementary-dual quasi-cyclic codes over finite fields, Cryptography and Communications 10(3), pp. 401-435 (2018).
Anuradha Sharma and Saroj Rani, Trace Description and Hamming weights of irreducible constacyclic codes, Advances in Mathematics of Communications 12(1), pp. 123-141 (2018).
Anuradha Sharma and Taranjot Kaur, Enumeration of complementary-dual cyclic GF(q)-linear GF(q^t)-codes, Discrete Mathematics 341(4), pp. 965-980 (2018).
Hai Q. Dinh, Anuradha Sharma, Saroj Rani and Songsak Sriboonchitta, Cyclic and Negacyclic codes of length 4p^s over GF(p^m)+uGF(p^m), Journal of Algebra and its Applications, DOI: 10.1142/S0219498818501736 (2017).
Taranjot Kaur and Anuradha Sharma, Constacyclic additive codes over finite fields, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 9 (3), pp. 1-35 (2017).
Anuradha Sharma and Amit K. Sharma, Byte weight enumerators of codes over GF(p) and modular forms over a totally real field, International Journal of Information and Coding Theory 4, no. 4, pp. 237-257 (2017).
Anuradha Sharma and Taranjot Kaur, On cyclic GF(q)-linear GF(q^t)-codes, International Journal of Information and Coding Theory 4, no. 1, pp. 19-46 (2017).
Anuradha Sharma and Saroj Rani, Repeated-root constacyclic codes of length 4 l^m p^n, Finite Fields and their Applications 40, pp. 163-200 (2016).
Anuradha Sharma, On cyclic codes of length p^n l^m over a finite field, International Journal of Information and Coding Theory 3, no. 3, pp. 217-233 (2016).
Anuradha Sharma and Saroj Rani, On constacyclic codes over finite fields, Cryptography and Communications 8, no. 4, pp. 617-636 (2016).
Anuradha Sharma and Amit K. Sharma, Construction of self-dual codes over Z_{2^m} , Cryptography and Communications 8, no. 1, pp. 83-101 (2016).
Anuradha Sharma and Suman Bala, On the weight distributions of some q-ary cyclic codes, Ars Combinatoria 128, pp. 199-208 (2016).
Anuradha Sharma and Suman Bala, The weight distributions of some binary cyclic codes, Ars Combinatoria 126, pp. 41-63 (2016).
Anuradha Sharma, Simple-root negacyclic codes of length 2p^n l^m over a finite field, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 52, no. 5, pp. 965-989 (2015).
Anuradha Sharma, Self-dual and self-orthogonal negacyclic codes of Length 2^mp^n over a finite field, Discrete Mathematics 338, no. 4, pp. 576-592 (2015).
Anuradha Sharma, Repeated-root constacyclic codes of length l^t p^s and their dual codes, Cryptography and Communications 7, no. 2, pp. 229-255 (2015).
Anuradha Sharma and Amit K. Sharma, Byte weight enumerators and modular forms of genus r, Journal of Algebra and its Applications 14, no. 6 (2015) [25 pages].
Anuradha Sharma and Amit K. Sharma, A note on weight distributions of irreducible cyclic codes, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 6, no. 3 (2014) [17 pages].
Amit K. Sharma & Anuradha Sharma, MacWilliams identities for weight enumerators with respect to the RT metric, Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications 6, no. 2 (2014) [11 pages].
Anuradha Sharma & Gurmeet K. Bakshi, Polyadic codes of prime power length II, Ars Combinatoria 117, pp. 9--31 (2014).
Anuradha Sharma & Amit K. Sharma, MacWilliams identities for m-spotty weight enumerators of codes over rings, Australasian Journal of Combinatorics 58, no. 1, pp. 67--105 (2014).
Anuradha Sharma & Amit K. Sharma, On some new m-spotty Lee weight enumerators, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 71, pp. 119--152 (2014).
Anuradha Sharma & Amit K. Sharma, On a g-fold joint m-spotty Lee weight enumerator, Discrete Mathematics 313, no. 20, pp. 2150--2161 (2013).
Anuradha Sharma & Amit K. Sharma, On MacWilliams type identities for r-fold joint m-spotty weight enumerators, Discrete Mathematics 312, no. 22, pp. 3316-3327 (2012).
Anuradha Sharma & Amit K. Sharma, MacWilliams type identities for some new m-spotty weight enumerators, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 58, no. 6, pp. 3912-3924 (2012).
Anuradha Sharma & G. K. Bakshi, The weight distributions of some irreducible cyclic codes, Finite Fields Appl. 18, no. 1, pp. 144-159 (2012).
Gurmeet K. Bakshi, Madhu Raka & Anuradha Sharma, Idempotent generators of irreducible cyclic codes, Number Theory & Discrete Geometry, Ramanujan Math. Soc. Lect. Notes Ser. 6, Ramanujan Math. Soc., Mysore, pp. 13-18 (2008).
Gurmeet K. Bakshi, Madhu Raka & Anuradha Sharma, Existence of polyadic codes in terms of Diophantine equations, Diophantine equations, Tata Inst. Fund. Res. Stud. Math. 20, Tata Inst. Fund. Res., Mumbai, pp. 33-48 (2008).
Anuradha Sharma, Gurmeet K. Bakshi, Vishwa C. Dumir & M. Raka, Irreducible cyclic codes of length 2^n, Ars Combinatoria 86, pp. 133-146 (2008).
Anuradha Sharma, Gurmeet K. Bakshi & Madhu Raka, The weight distributions of irreducible cyclic codes of length 2^m, Finite Fields Appl. 13, no. 4, pp. 1086-1095 (2007).
Anuradha Sharma, Gurmeet K. Bakshi & Madhu Raka, Polyadic codes of prime power length, Finite Fields Appl. 13, no. 4, pp. 1071-1085 (2007).
Anuradha Sharma, Gurmeet K. Bakshi & Madhu Raka, Irreducible cyclic codes of length 2p^n, Ars Combinatoria 83, pp. 267-278 (2007).
Anuradha Sharma, Gurmeet K. Bakshi, Vishwa C. Dumir & Madhu Raka, Cyclotomic numbers and primitive idempotents in the ring GF(q)[x]/ (x^{p^n} -1), Finite Fields Appl. 10, no. 4, pp. 653-673 (2004).
Codes and Modular Forms: A Dictionary
Minjia Shi, YoungJu Choie, Anuradha Sharma & Patrick Sole